Woe- I have officially been in business for 7 years- Time sure does fly when you love what you do!
Lets blog a fun one!
I'll just start off with how Alexis and George's engagement session at the Carrie Furnace Wednesday was absolutely AMAZING to say the least.
Here’s a little back story: I have known Alexis for almost as long as I have known my husband (almost 10 years at this point ha-ha!) Fun Fact, she actually met George at one of the parties Chris was having! She has this naturally vintage style that I have always been fascinated with- She always looks so put together from head to toe. I know- life goals, right? Lol!
When I had originally talked to Alexis and George, they were thinking about finding someplace industrial and or abandoned to take their engagement photos because they love that look.
Well, I belong to a photographer group in Pittsburgh and they posted that they were going to be renting out the Carrie Furnace for a photographer group shoot where we could all go, bring people to photograph with us, and have all of the grounds to us! This opportunity was amazing and I jumped right on it- It was PERFECT for them.
And like I said in the beginning, Alexis has the Vintage vibe going for her so when the Carrie Furnace became an option, I had to get George in on it too!
Everything was working out great… And then it rained…
It rained for about 4 hours and then magically cleared up to perfect overcast skies! It was like the photography Gods also believed that it was meant to be and made it perfect! Well… Almost perfect…. We could have gone without it feeling like it was 95 outside with 100% humidity but it was sooooo worth it in the end!
Now with all of the backstory out- please scroll down and check out one of my favorite sessions I have ever shot since starting back in 2014!

This was an old locker room that the steel workers used to get ready for work in. I love the colors from the teal lockers with the rust showing through.

Hehe I am sooo funny ;)

Pretty vintage ring for a pretty vintage girl *swoon*

Fun fact about that machine in the background... Our tour guide, TJ (hey TJ if you are reading this! You were so great!!) told us that that was one of two machines in the entire world that was able to take a fully loaded train car, pick it up, and dump out everything inside of it in its hay day! I thought that was insane!

And the image on the left shows one of the Carrie furnaces! I told Alexis and George that they are too clean, they look like I photoshopped them into the photo lol!
Oh, and that scary rain that no one wants the day of their photoshoot? Well, this fun reflection shot wouldn’t have happened if it didn’t happen! See, everything happens for a reason (:

This wall was full of spider webs- but it was so worth it for this fun perspective shot

One of my favorites - brought to you by rain on their engagement session day!

The lighting in left image! Oh my gosh! So jaw-droopingly beautiful!

We found this old, cast iron wrench beside the locker room- Cool photo-op but isn’t it crazy that someone put that down their back in the day and its been there ever since? Don’t worry, after TJ told us the place was super haunted we but that RIGHT back where we found it.

And this is the Carrie Furnace! I love the symmetry of this images. It makes my OCD happy!


And I will leave you with my favorite image that I took on this day. I feel like they need to be the characters in a movie about a Pittsburgh steel worker that was reunited with his long lost love and finally got to live happily ever after.
Until next time... xoxo